June 23, 2004

On dancing...

Laura: I'm sorry, but if you've been doing dance for two years and you still can't count the music... its time to start playing softball.

On sunscreen...

Alex Trebek: This element is added to sunscreen as the major protective agent.
Laura: SPF!

June 20, 2004

On florists...

TV: Well, my dad's a florist!
Jenna: Well, my uncle's a florist!
Kara: (blank stare)
Jenna: What? Uncle Ricky's a florist!
Kara: Oh. I thought florists were people who put in floors.

June 19, 2004

On abbreviations...

Jenna: Wanna get Taco Bell? Do you like it?
Lisa: Yeah, it's dece.
Jenna: Two?

June 13, 2004

On candy dangers...

Kara: Who was that guy in Tommy Boy? The one who acted like Jack Black?
Lisa: Chris Farley.
Kara: He's dead, right? How'd he die?
Lisa: An overdose.
Kara: Drugs?
Lisa: No, candy.
Kara: (solemnly) Candy kills.

June 08, 2004

On that David Duchovny song...

Mom: Ooh! I know this one! This is that David Doo-glimee one!

June 04, 2004

On nudity...

Laura: Last night a daddy-long legs saw me naked.