September 04, 2005

Lake Cumberland - Day Three

Lisa: Look- that's the cave I'll live in if I ever become a pirate.
Kara: Way up there?
Lisa: Yeah, it has to be hard to get to or the other pirates will steal my booty.
Kara: Booty?
Lisa: Yeah. Loot. Swag. Stuff I steal- booty.
Kara. Oh. I wanna be a pirate.

Kara: Look! I'm a water spider!

Laura: You just kicked her crack!
Mom: You kicked my anus!
Kara: No, I kicked your ass!

Laura: Yeah I'm never wearing that [bridesmaid dress] again.
Mom: Well you could. You could just wear the top, with some jeans. Like the store lady said.
Laura: That would look ridiculous.
Mom: I think it would look bitchin'.

Kara: Laura, you should get a Southern accent. They're cute.
Jenna: Yeah, anything to help.

Kara: Is it normal to look forward to eating?
Laura (at the same time as Lisa): It's normal for fat people.
Lisa (at the same time as Laura): It's normal for Laura.

Laura: Hey guys, look! It's a TOE-HAWK!

Laura: No, no! It's a COCKA-TOE!

On sister bonding...

Jenna: Know what I really really want?
Lisa: For me to care what you're going to say next?

On songs...

Kara: This song makes me feel like I'm Jell-O!

September 02, 2005

On competition...

Mom: (about a 2 year old boy at our house for the day) ...and he ate a whole grilled cheese sandwich!
Jenna: So? I can do that.