August 31, 2005

On getting what you want...

Kara: Make chocolate chip cookies!
Dad: All you do is make demands.
Kara: Shut up.

August 21, 2005

On secret pockets. . .

Kara: Seriously I could fill this blister up with soda and drink from it!

August 15, 2005

Lake Cumberland 2005 - Day Two

Mom: Who wants to skinny dip?
Laura: You're not allowed to and I'm not interested.

Laura: Even when I shower I don't feel clean.
Kara: That's my motto, too. So I don't shower at home.

Mom: Now I know how the ugly duckling feels.

Laura: Why dive when you can flop in like a dead cow?

Kara (excitedly): What if it was Simon Cowell? And we got his autograph?
Laura: I wouldn't want his autograph. I'd wanna sing for him.

Laura: What color are your eyes?
Kara: I have eyes that change color according to my surroundings.
Laura: That's ugly.

Kara: I'm just puttin' my tube up here, but I reckon everyone'll be inside soon.

Lake Cumberland 2005 - Day One

Kara: Guess whose foot can fit through somebody's crack?

Kara: I could be in the circus.

Lisa: What kind of detergent does she use?
Kara: I think she uses Downty.

Small boys on the houseboat docked next to ours honk their horn incessantly
Dad: Boy, I hope they don't park near us.
Lisa: Really? Cuz I hope their boat sinks. C'mon, we were all thinkin' it."

August 11, 2005

On gradations of wrong...

Kara: Illegal's not that bad.