August 14, 2007

On not seeing things...

Jenna: Man, I was watching Armageddon and I've never seen it before, but I had to leave early, and-
Lisa: And you didn't want to miss a thing?

August 13, 2007

On babies...

Laura: Jenna, how old do you want to be when you have kids?
Jenna: (pause) Nine months from yesterday?

On lists...

Jenna: Mom, you need to sew up that pillow before I can take it.
Mom: Yeah, Jen. It's at the top of my list. Of things I don't give a crap about.

On shopping...

Kara: Let's go to Old Navy, for kicks! And clothes.
Mom: Kara, have you met your dad? Who hates shopping?
Kara: Hi, dad.
Dad: Hi, hun.

On cars...

Jenna: You can't look at a car and know what kind it is and who makes it?
Kara: We're not men, Jenna.

On luck...

Dad: Can you believe how many damn lights I'm hitting?
Kara: Don't cuss - there's a cop over there.

On food...

Laura: I'm hungry!
Kara: That's why we're going out to eat, Fat.

On reading...

Jenna: [A six-year-old family friend] has read four chapters of the first Harry Potter already!
Lisa: Big deal. I read all the chapters of the first Harry Potter.