August 31, 2004

On smells...

Lisa: I can smell the dumb from here!

On hilarity...

Mom: ... and then they burst into wild laughter, the little monkey-idiots...

On threats...

Mom: Yeah, Kara. I'll take you to Pitaya, so- not. Man, I wish I thought before I talked.

August 27, 2004

On people...

Lisa: What kind of world do you live in where people aren't mean?
Kara: I just don't talk to people.

August 15, 2004

On loud music...

Dad: Turn it down! That music is so loud I can't even think!
Kara: Then don't think.

On soup...

Waitress to Kara: I'm sorry, we're out of soup.
Laura: Ha. She wanted soup... her whole world just fell apart.

August 14, 2004

On stinks...

Jenna: Oh, that reeks! I just got a woof of it!

On precognition...

Kara: Why do physics have to ask you your name?

August 13, 2004

On the Olympic Procession...

Jenna: Angola? Don't they make nice sweaters there?

On greetings...

Kara: Hey, Jenna- Chelby said "Hi, ugly." Well, she said hi. I added the 'ugly' part.

August 05, 2004

On late night phone calls...

Laura: Who is that? What, are they, dumb? I'm gonna answer, and be like, "Hey... dummies."

On curiousity...

Jessie: (to waitress) Can I have a question?

August 01, 2004

On nationality...

Kara: I wish I was Italian.
Lisa: You're not. You're Polish*.
Kara: The North Pole?

*Ukrainian is not Polish. I was kidding.